Why af:autoSuggestBehavior fails for input component with immediate=true ?

Sharing a point that I learned today. Thanks to my colleague Srinathreddy(who owns LOV) for this tip. Quoting him:
The af:autoSuggestBehavior tag will not work as you are expecting when it is used with input component whose immediate property is set to true. When immedaite is set to true on the editable input components, the validation happens during the Apply Request Values phase and this is the same phase in which the autoSuggest event is also processed. If there is a validation failure (there is good chance for validation failure here because mostly user enters only a partial text expecting an 'auto suggest' ) the autoSuggest popup will not be shown.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice tip jobinesh.. Can you please help me with a sample of yours wherein the autoSuggestBehavior property usage can be well understood...

  3. In my case immediate is set to false.
    But then also, autosuggest behaviour is not working fine.
    The autosuggest popup comes up, and goes out with an invalid error message.
    Please help. Wat can be possible cause.

  4. Hi

    I just creating ADF component programmatically inputtext, RichInputComboboxListOfValues etc, so I want to add AutoSuggest programmatically created input,RichInputComboboxListOfValues components.

    I think below class make it.
    AutoSuggestBehaviorTag suggest=new AutoSuggestBehaviorTag();

    suggest.setParent(Tag); // The AutoSuggest is where is include

    How to Tag class implement with Inputtext component.

  5. There is an alternate approach I implemented on autoSuggest – you can try that as well:

    Autosuggest Behavior in ADF


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