IE Compatibility Mode and ADF Faces

Straight to the point :)
You cannot use Internet Explorer in compatibility mode while running ADF Faces pages.Please see Supported Platforms in the following link  Recently a check has been added in ADF Faces framework to alert you if the browser and document modes are not equal to the version number of the Internet Explorer that  you are running.

How Do You Find Out The Compatibility View Settings for IE?

Click Alt on your IE browser. That will bring up a new menu. Click Tools > Compatibility View settings.  In the Compatibility View Settings dialogue window,  locate the URL for your application from Compatibility View list and then click Remove. Also, uncheck all compatibility mode options as appropriate.

While running your page, you can check the compatibility mode of the browser by  pressing F12 (if your on IE 9 or higher). When you press F12, you will get  Developer Tools window with lot of information :)


  1. Is it possible to disable the check browser like it was in &

  2. Hi Jobinesh... you saved my life. It was really very frustrating to get to know the root cause of this. Thanks once again :-)

  3. It will be helpfull if you can let me know to set the compatibility vie automatically in ADF. Many Thanks.


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